Thursday, September 26, 2013

Snatch Warm ups

Everyone did a great job today! I hope you all learned a bit more about the dynamic and elusive snatch today!

Here's are those warm-ups we reviewed to get us aware of the hips:

The Burgerner Warm-up:
3 reps of everything with PVC pipe:

- Down and up
- Elbows high and outside
- Muscle snatch
- Snatch lands (2, 4, 6)
- Snatch drop
- Hang power snatch

Here's a video from the CrossFit Journal!

Coach Tatum's Secret Sauce Snatch Warm-up:
5 reps of everything, once through with PVC pipe, once through with raw bar (without rest if possible):

- Vertical dip with shoulder shrug
- Vertical dip with high pull
- Muscle snatch
- Drop snatch to power position (Here's a video showing the drop snatch and some other ways to get under the bar.)
- Overhead squats with 3-sec pause at bottom
- Sotts press (Here's Coach Burgener showing the Sotts press)
- Overhead Duck walk, 5 each leg
- Backward duck walk, 5 each leg (Video demonstration)
- Tall Snatch (full squat) (Here's a demo of a tall snatch, it's his second pull)

Keep it up, Crossfitters!

Monday, September 2, 2013

WOD 3 September, 2013


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WOD 29 August, 2013

"Hotshot 19"
6 rounds for time,
30 Squats
19 Power Cleans (135/95 lbs)
7 Strict Pull Ups
400 meter Run

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WOD 28 August, 2013

5 rounds for time,
400 meter Run
15 Overhead Squats (95/65 lbs)

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